Management Policy

34th Edition

Reach out to us

The Amtrol-Alfa company designated for the conception, development, manufacturing and requalification of metallic cylinders and composite cylinders for gases; manufacturing, filling, and commercialization of disposable cylinders for helium, assumes a sustainable development strategy, bets on the continuous improvement of the management system as a determining factor for the success of this strategy, as well as compliance with legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements. It is committed to the permanent creation of value for all stakeholders, fulfilling the expectations and satisfaction of customers, assuming the following principles:

  • Environment
  • Differentiation
  • Innovation
  • Global leadership
  • Quality of solutions
  • Safety

These premises are achieved through:

  • Comply with the technical specifications and other requirements defined in a project of products
  • Promote communication between all stakeholders through all possible channels
  • Promote the effectiveness and continuous improvement of the Management System
  • Treat all stakeholders the way we like to be treated
  • Protect the environment through sustained development in the continuous improvement of products, processes, and procedures
  • Assessment of the environmental aspects and impacts of our activity with the objective of protecting the environment, efficient use of resources to minimize environmental impacts with a view to protecting the environment
  • Adoption of practices that foment the prevention of pollution and the improvement of environmental performance
  • Promote satisfaction, continuous motivation, safety, and well-being of employees
  • Recognize the people who work with us and their commitment to the organization
  • Identification of hazards and risk assessment to promote their reduction and elimination
  • Promotion of safe and healthy working conditions
  • Promoting a safe and healthy environment for the prevention of work-related injuries and health conditions
  • Ensuring that employees are consulted to enhance their participation and involvement.

The Amtrol-Alfa Mission is to be an innovative and differentiating company in the products it presents through quality, effectiveness and safety; creating value for its customers, with the contribution of professional and competent employees. Assuming a sustainable development strategy, it is committed to the continuous improvement of the management system as a determining factor for the success of this strategy, as well as compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

As a Vision Amtrol-Alfa intends to be competitive and to act comprehensively in the segment of pressure receptacles, through a portfolio of quality products and services, with unique characteristics and proposals.

The Board of Directors assumes the success of this policy as a determining factor for the sustainability of the organization, ensuring its communication and implementation by all employees. The communication is carried out through information in the billboards, actions of sensitization, site, among others.

Approved by General Manager,

Tiago Oliveira